Set of 5x Rapid Tests for COVID-19,...
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  • Available through SEAP Available through SEAP
  • Payment in installments up to 12 installments without interest Payment in installments up to 12 installments without interest
  • Telephone 0726.465.732 (LV: 07-15) Telephone 0726.465.732 (LV: 07-15)
  • Delivery 24-48 hours Monday-Friday (08:00 - 19:00) Delivery 24-48 hours Monday-Friday (08:00 - 19:00)

Set of 5x Rapid Tests for COVID-19, Beer, Antigen, Nasopharyngeal Collection, Result in 15 min, For Professional Use

Set 5x Teste Rapide COVID-19, Beier, Antigen, Recoltare Nazo-Faringiana, Rezultat in 15 min, Pentru Uz Profesional
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☎ Info & Orders: +40.726.465.732 (Mon-Fri: 07:00 - 15:00)

❣️From each purchase we redirect 20% of the income tax to the Save the Children Association.


Setul de testare rapida COVID-19 este un imunocromatografic destinat detectarii directe si calitative a antigenelor nucleocapsidei SARS-CoV-2 in tampon nazofaringian si tampon orofaringian de la persoane care sunt suspectate de COVID-19. Produs recunoscut de Comisia Europeana (vezi detaliile suplimetare de mai jos).

Prelevarea probelor si interpretarea rezultatelor se face doar de catre personal medico-sanitar autorizat.


  • 5 tampoane sterile
  • 5 tuburi de extracție
  • 5 solutii tampon individuale
  • 5 teste


  • Specificitate = 99.70%
  • Sensibilitate = 96.50%
  • Acuratete: 98.50%
  • Tipuri de testari: tampon nazofaringian/ tampon orofaringian
  • Testul este rapid. Rezultatul testului poate fi citit in 15 minute

Prelevarea probelor si interpretarea rezultatelor se face doar de catre personal medico-sanitar autorizat.

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