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Set Rezerve
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  • Telephone 0726.465.732 (LV: 07-15) Telephone 0726.465.732 (LV: 07-15)
  • Delivery 24-48 hours Monday-Friday (08:00 - 19:00) Delivery 24-48 hours Monday-Friday (08:00 - 19:00)

Spare Set, Chicco, PhysioClean, Ergonomic Shape, for Nasal Aspirator, 10 pcs

Set Rezerve, Chicco, PhysioClean, Forma Ergonomica, pentru Aspirator Nazal, 10 buc
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☎ Info & Orders: +40.726.465.732 (Mon-Fri: 07:00 - 15:00)

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  • Ambalate individual, pentru o igiena corespunzatoare.
  • Confectionate din silicon.
  • Textura moale, catifelata.
  • Concepute a se adapta perfect narilor bebelusilor.
  • Contine 10 rezerve pentru aspiratorul nazal Chicco (Cod produs: 04904-7).

Caracteristici:it aspirator nazal Chicco PhysioClean 04904-7

Kit aspirator nazal Chicco PhysioClean 04904-7

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