-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Vaseline, Lip Care and Hydration, from Pure Vaseline, 4.8gr, Rose Vaseline VSLN-LIP-ROSE-4.8gr lei10.23 lei10.88 Time left Balsam pentru buze uscate cu vaselina pura si unt de cacao. Calmeaza buzele uscate, hraneste cu nutrientii de care au nevoie, lasa buzele moi, catifelate si rasfatate View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Burt's Bees, from Beeswax, 100% Natural Ingredients, 4.25gr Burt's Bees BRT-BEES-LIP-4.25gr lei16.01 lei17.03 Time left Balsam Buze, Burt's Bees, din Ceara Albine, Ingrediente 100% Naturale, 4.25gr View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Weleda, Skin Food, Moisturizing Effect, 8ml Weleda WLD-LIP-BLM-SKN-FD-8ml lei32.80 lei34.89 Time left Balsam de Buze, Weleda, Skin Food, Efect Hidratant, 8ml View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Weleda, Everon, Calming and Protective Effect, SPF 4, 4.8gr Weleda WLD-LIP-BLM-EVERN-4.8gr lei27.03 lei28.75 Time left Balsam de Buze, Weleda, Everon, Efect Calmant si Protectie, SPF 4, 4.8gr View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Boiron, Dermoplasmine, with Yellows, Calming and Moisturizing Effect, 10g Boiron BRN-DPLSM-LIP-10gr lei26.64 lei28.34 Time left Balsam de Buze, Boiron, Dermoplasmine, cu Galbenele, Efect Calmant si Hidratant, 10g View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip balm, Carmex, Classic, for Intense Hydration, SPF 15, Box 7.5gr Carmex CRMX-LIP-JR-7.5gr lei11.21 lei11.93 Time left Balsam buze Carmex cutie, 7.5 g View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Boiron, Dermoplasmine, with Yellows, Calming and Moisturizing Effect, 10gr Boiron BRN-DRPLSM-LIP-10gr lei23.99 lei25.52 Time left Balsam de Buze, Boiron, Dermoplasmine, cu Galbenele, Efect Calmant si Hidratant, 10gr View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Bayer, Bepanthol, Regeneration and Protection Effect, 4.5gr Bayer BPNTH-LIP-BALM-4.5gr lei30.01 lei31.93 Time left Balsam de Buze, Bayer, Bepanthol, Efect Regenerare si Protectie, 4.5gr View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Cream, Bayer, Bepanthol, Regeneration and Protection Effect, 7.5gr Bayer BPNTH-LIP-CRM-7.5gr lei32.87 lei34.97 Time left Crema de Buze, Bayer, Bepanthol, Efect Regenerare si Protectie, 7.5gr View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Carmex, Classic, for Intense Hydration, SPF 15, 4.25gr Carmex crmx-balm-4.25gr lei9.54 lei10.15 Time left Balsam de Buze, Carmex, Classic, pentru Hidratare Intensa, SPF 15, 4.25gr View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, EOS, Sweet Mint, Repairing and Moisturizing Effect, SPF15, Sweet Mint Aroma, 7gr Eos EOS-MNT-LIP-7gr lei31.66 lei33.68 Time left Balsam de Buze, EOS, Sweet Mint, Efect Reparator si Hidratant, SPF15, Aroma Menta Dulce, 7gr View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Lanbena, with Coconut Butter and Shea Butter, for Intensive Hydration, 6.5gr Vaseline LNBN-LIP-CCNT-6.5gr lei9.21 lei9.80 Time left Balsam de Buze, Lanbena, cu Unt de Cocos si Unt de Shea, pentru Hidratare Intensiva, 6.5gr View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Lip Smacker, Sprite, Lip Care and Hydration, 4 g Lip Smacker LIP-SMCK-SPRT-4g lei16.95 lei18.03 Time left Balsam de Buze, Lip Smacker, Sprite, Ingrijire si Hidratare Buze, 4 g View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Lip Smacker, Coca Cola Cherry, Lip Care and Hydration, 4 g Lip Smacker LIP-SMCK-COLA-CHRRY-4g lei16.95 lei18.03 Time left Balsam de Buze, Lip Smacker, Coca Cola Cherry, Ingrijire si Hidratare Buze, 4 g View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Lip Smacker, Coca Cola Vanilla, Lip Care and Hydration, 4 g Le Petit Marseillais LIP-SMCK-COLA-VNLL-4g lei14.41 lei15.33 Time left Balsam de Buze, Lip Smacker, Coca Cola Vanilla, Ingrijire si Hidratare Buze, 4 g View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Lip Smacker, Coca Cola, Lip Care and Hydration, 4 g Lip Smacker LIP-SMCK-COLA-ORG-4g lei16.95 lei18.03 Time left Balsam de Buze, Lip Smacker, Coca Cola, Ingrijire si Hidratare Buze, 4 g View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Lanbena, Rose Lip Mask, Nourishing and Repairing Effect, Rose Aroma, 6.5gr Lanbena LNBN-LIP-ROS-BLM-6.5gr lei16.01 lei17.03 Time left Balsam de Buze, Lanbena, Rose Lip Mask, Efect Nutritiv si Reparator, Aroma Trandafir, 6.5gr View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Lanbena, Sugar Lip Scrub, Exfoliating and Nourishing Effect, Sugar Flavor, 6.5gr Lanbena LNBN-LIP-SGR-SCRB-6.5gr lei15.09 lei16.05 Time left Balsam de Buze, Lanbena, Sugar Lip Scrub, Efect Exfoliant si Nutritiv, Aroma Zahar, 6.5gr View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Le Petit Marseillais, Lip Care and Hydration, with Shea Butter, Almonds and... Le Petit Marseillais MRSLL-LIP-MGD-4.9gr lei15.51 lei16.50 Time left Balsam de Buze, Le Petit Marseillais, Ingrijire si Hidratare Buze, cu Unt de Shea, Migdale si Ulei de Argan, 4.9gr View
-6% out of stock Gloss and lip balm Lip Balm, Lanbena, with Cherry Oil, from Beeswax, Intense Moisturizing Effect,... Lanbena LNBN-CAMEL-LIP-1.8gr lei13.40 lei14.26 Time left Balsam Buze, Lanbena, cu Ulei de Cirese, din Ceara Albine, Efect Intens de Hidratare, Cameleon, 1.8gr View